Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Secondhand conversation

I had an interesting conversation with a professional speaker, who speaks on the topic of drunk driving and how it affected his life. This speaker, whose name is Jim, was at an engagement where he was in the company of many other individuals whose lives were impacted by various vices. One woman had a son who was a drug addict; she was sure that her situation was the worst of the other speakers.

Background shows that Jim's son was killed by a drunk driver. This woman's son was alive but addicted to drugs. The woman made it known that her situation was the most horrible in her perception because she had no idea what to expect day to day. Jim told her that tomorrow his son would still be dead and therefore knowing what was to come was not any easier. This did nothing to sway the woman from believing that her life was still more horrible.

Jim told me that this woman was very rich which gave me an idea of what she meant by her comment. My interpretation was that this woman was thinking solely about how her son's actions negatively affected her life. There was no concern for her son, only how she was going to get along during this time of "crisis". Talk about a sense of entitlement.

The final justification posed by the woman solidified my initial theory. She had the gall to tell Jim, "You have no idea how we think!" Meaning the rich. I beg to differ. I know exactly how she thought. "I am rich and I shouldn't have to deal with this!".

This woman's true concern was how her son's actions were going to impact her financial well being. The true horror was thinking about how her son was going to cost her money whether it be through a lawsuit, an embarassment, or a killing blow to HER social status. Jesus!, her kid is still alive at least. She has the means to fix the situation but all she is concerned with is how her son is going to screw up the worlds perception of her.

This type of selfish thought is one more element of the downfall of our society. ME, ME, ME!!! I must get and keep mine by any means necessary and all other be damned! This is a sorry state in which to live. This woman disgust me.

I can imagine the conversation between this woman and her husband if her son dies in a manner that doesn't hurt their financial situation: to the public, "Oh pity me, I have lost my loving son"; to her husband, "Whew, we dodge another bullet. Thank god that worthless kid didn't embarass us."

I say, "TOO LATE". Your son has embarassed you already by showing the world your true colors. I may be a pauper in comparison, but at least I have my dignity.

Be good to one another,

Rev. Biggus

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Blow Me Up!!

Both men and women can learn a lot about life in general from Tom. Of course you will have to change your way of listening...

Tom Leykis is probably one of the best debators on the radio when he can keep his focus on the point and away from embarrassing his opponent. There are times when I can't stand him (most of the time, I agree whole-heartedly) but you have to give credit to the man's skills.

Be good to one another,

Rev. Biggus

Not always serious

This was halarious!!!

Girl Cant Land - Click Here for more great videos and pictures!

Be good to one another,

Rev. Biggus

Friday, May 25, 2007

Capital punishment

I was thinking about a comment I made in an earlier post about how Capital Punishment would be the norm instead of the exception. This got me thinking about how this could be misleading without any explanation.

The reason why I think this way is based in psychology. Gestalt would argue that a criminal is different from the law biding citizen. This would be like comparing apples to oranges. The criminal has a different perception as to what would be considered punishment than a law biding citizen.

The reapings of certain behaviors are acceptable when weighed against efforts of the sow. This is where punishment loses something in the translation. My whole philosophy is to make the punishment so undesirable that the criminal will not be willing to take the risk.

When I say criminal, I don't mean every person who has committed a crime. I mean those who are willingly and consciously doing what they know to be wrong as delineated in the spirit of humanity. Some common attributes criminals possess are the assimilation into anarchal societal structures, the gravitation to environments where power is the only thing of importance, and a tendancy for finding a way that the basic needs are met with minimal effort.

Prison is an ideal place for criminal to flourish. People say we need more prisons...well prisons do something to ease a sypmtom, when I think we should attack the problem at its causes.

Be good to one another,

Rev. Biggus

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Confused about '08?

I was looking through some of the other blogs to get an idea of how I should present mine. You have to be interesting for people to visit your site. What I found was a wonderful blog that is nicely crafted and provides some great information.
Visit My fellow blogger has done a great job on this site.

Not much more for today but I am only working on my second cup of coffee. More to come I am sure.

Be good to one another,
Rev. Biggus

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Do your own due diligence

Legal disclaimer: This posting reflects the express concerns and ideas of the author. My name is Reverend Biggus and I approve this message.

ac·count·a·ble (ə-koun'tə-bəl) Pronunciation Key adj.
Liable to being called to account; answerable. See Synonyms at responsible.

Reference: accountability. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved May 22, 2007, from website:

Accountability is a real is in the dictionary. So why don't we see any willful examples of it? We are forced to accept its reality when we get caught, but until that point it seems that this concept goes by the wayside. I like to reference Metallica when talking about this issue. Listen to the song King Nothing. It talks about the norm in today's society. When things go to hell in a a hand basket, the first thing that happens is finger pointing. Integrity is a trait long gone.

Integrity is simply defined as how you act when nobody is looking. Do you do the right thing even though there is a good chance you may not get caught if you pursue the alternative? This is a loaded question because the "right thing" is a subjective term. Let me try to put it your actions respect the rights of others even though you probably won't get caught pursuing the alternative? Another ambiguous question in our society. To answer this question one must understand the difference between a right and a privilege.

Possibly the best way to get an answer to the right vs. privilege question is listen to Michael Badnarik on between 7am and 9am CST. He puts in into perspective in a matter of fact manner.

Let's get back to the topic. Accountability. Today's legal world makes its money by moving accountability from the idiot. Hence multi million dollar awards to smoker's families because of the individual's choice to put harmful materials into their bodies. The accountability was removed from the individual and placed on the industry. The argument could be made that individual didn't know that it was harmful...guess the individual should have researched it more. Let see, when I smoke I cannot run as fast; if I smoke too much my lungs hurt; when I first started smoking, it made me a bit sick. A person with common sense (and there are not many of us left) will make the determination that this is not good for me. I smoke and I know that it is bad for me. I knew this before all the warning labels and lawsuits, but wait, I have common sense. I am exercising my right to choose what I do to my body and therefore the accountability lies with me.

When I am King of this planet I will make the following disclaimers:

Treat everything you put into your body as if it is bad for you.

Treat all coffee as if it will burn you severely.

People do not have the right to be compensated for hurt feelings.

An individual acting to defend his or her person, another, or his or her property shall neutralize the threat without fear of retaliation (legal or otherwise). When that retaliation comes (and it will) repeat threat neutralization process.

Be good to one another or suffer eye for an eye punishment. Capital punishment will be the norm, not the exception.

Any interpretations other than those like mine are wrong.

Very simple. Do not question it...I am the King. Frivolous lawsuits would end badly for the plaintiff. False charges of rape would end badly for accusers. PMS and a vagina will no longer be an excuse for shitty behavior. Domestic violence will be a civil issue after the first occurance because if you stay, you will be accountable for that choice. How can I be so cruel? Because personal accountability needs to be reestablished. "But I have a right to protection". You do, so protect yourself...either remove yourself from the situation or remove the threat from the situation.

The police are nothing more than a reporting agency. They don't protect anyone. Most of the time they show up after a crime has been committed. Don't get me wrong, the police have their role, but it is not writing tickets for not wearing a seat belt. Wouldn't it be nice to never have your car stolen instead of waiting for the police to find the vehicle trashed and wait for the insurance company, etc.

We as a society have failed. We no longer instill accountability; we actually promote the sense of entitlement. This I believe is the downfall of our society. We continually lessen the standards to compensate for the underachievers so that they won't get their feelings hurt; in doing so, our achievers modify themselves to the new standard. Now the over achievers are working at a level that use to be the norm.

Can you change the behaviors of those around you? No, you can only change yours, so the accountability in dealing with this problem lies with all of us. That's too bad. Unless of course you do your own due diligence.

Silver lining? Yes, there is one. Again, it is knowledge. You must know your enemy to defeat your enemy. I know my enemy, it is lazy, greedy, and weak. Now I can manipulate it to ensure my life goes as I want.

Be good to one another,
Rev. Biggus

Monday, May 21, 2007

Good Night All

Wake up tomorrow and do something nice for someone while asking nothing in return.

So Many Things

There are so many things in this world that don't make sense to me. How I can be called a racist when someone steals from me; how free* doesn't mean free; how the Dixie Chicks can be such blatant hypocrites. We had a time when things made sense. Where did that go? How did we become a litigious society absent of all accountability.

I had a garage sale a while back. I wasn't asking much for my stuff, heck what didn't sell was going to be given to the thrift shops. Like many garage sales in the west valley, many of the patrons were mexican. I met a lot of nice people that day. I got to help a single dad get his daughter a computer to do her homework during her visitation with him on the weekend. The computer companies were not giving him this chance. I witnessed the best and the worst in people that day. I figured I would thank the mexican family I watched steal my property in a public open forum, sarcastically as it may have been. What kind of responses did I get? That I am a racist because I hate mexicans. ???? What the hell is that all about. Nowhere in my message did I say that all mexicans were thieves, yet I may as well have donned a pointy white hat.

I confirmed a theory that I had that people only perceive what they want. Are people so desperate to find an excuse for wrong in our world or is this the conditioning that plagues us as a society? Everything always ends up us against them. What happened to living in harmony? If I would have pushed the issue would I have been arrested for a hate crime because I wanted justice from a thief (notice no mention of a race involved)? It doesn't make sense to me.

I can't count the number of items I gave away free at my garage sale and most likely I would have given the items away if asked with respect. I mean truly free. Not car dealer free or email offer free or even lawyer defined free. Free* should be illegal. $100 dollars free* money deposited into your checking account for free* as long as you deposit enough money and don't touch it for a year in order for the bank to recoup many times over the cost of that $100.

My economics teacher taught me TNSTAAFL. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Companies do not give you things unless it is in their best interest. Test it time something is advertised for free, try to get it by doing nothing but walking in and taking it. If it were truly free, there would be no problem. You always have to give something, whether it be a three hour seminar on the resort that promised you a free* get away or the multiple offers you must participate in to get that free* XBox that every email scammer wants to give you.

The Reverend's lesson...Nothing is free. You must work for everything you get. Whether it is purchasing the winning lottery ticket or selling your body for that next rock, you will pay something.

Most of us are good people that have lost their way but there are some out there that are just plain idiots. I worked with a guy who couldn't go a pay period without overdrawing his checking account, yet he couldn't wait until he got his 22in rims on his truck. His justification was that gas mileage and handling were better. Even though he knew that his reason was truly vanity, he would put up the facade. Was he embarrassed by his vanity? I think he was. I called this kid an idiot on many occassions and the closer we got to payday, the more attention he paid.

The Dixie Chicks are another type of idiot. Old news, I know but it is a wonderful extreme of idiocy. Natalie claimed that Toby Keith was bad for America because he wanted to put a boot in the ass of those who provoked us. Must be that whole "it takes a village to raise a child" crap. So Toby is bad for the country because a desire to pull a Red Foreman, but Natalie thinks she is a role model even though she brags about killing Earl. Disclaimer: I know that neither individual actually did these acts. I was bringing their songs into the real world to make a point. I have no doubt that even with this disclaimer, some of you will think to the the 3rd paragraph again.

It all makes no sense to me. How can people walk this earth with blinders on? My world is so much better than what I see out all should come over and enjoy it. The rules are good to one another (aka: KYFHO). Simple, eh? See you here.

Be good to one another,

Rev. Biggus

Perfect example

Listening to the radio this morning revealed an abomination. The Phoenix Suns lost their series, right? There are actually people who are emailing radio stations soliciting a website, or something like that because they felt that the officiating was not to their liking. Their whole pretense is to get a petition with 50,000 names on it contesting the outcome of the Suns series due to poor officiating and sending it in to David Stern.

There are many things wrong with this scenario. First off, Names on a website do not equal a petition. Who knows if these names are legit? Second, the NBA boycott will work like those don't buy gas emails you hear about...everyone will be on board until it comes time to pony up. Third, this is another example of people not liking that life is not fair. Guess what, life isn't fair. If this boycott doesn't work, how far behind are the lawsuits?

There is a lot of complaining that pro sports have turned into a farce. They have because we support it. We have allowed to the loud mouthed drama queens into the sport because they are flashy, then we complain when what used to be a competition between two teams becomes a stage for a few names who garner special treatment from referees because of all the accommodations mandated by sponsors.

What the sports fan has to realize is that the influence guiding the direction of the game is money. You don't have it and the sponsors do, so who do you think is going to win that argument? Internet boycotts won't work. Fans complaining while watching the games won't change the influence. Quit watching the games and quit going to the games...that will take the money away. Quit buying the jerseys and the season passes on tv. Quit talking about doing something and do it if it makes you so mad.

If we would all follow that advice, think about how good life would be. We wouldn't have an abomination for a Constitution. We wouldn't have to be embarrassed by our literacy standards. We wouldn't have to shell out half of our earnings to support a fattened government. This is all a pipe dream though because we can't even fix ourselves. Let someone else take care of it while we complain...its the American way. Our organizations are smaller versions of our society and the current situation shows that we reap what we sow. As a society, we make a show of doing something knowing that it is ineffective because it is easy. Doing something that really makes a difference is never easy so we figure we will just let other people do that.

In my first post, I said that there was a silver lining to every cloud, so what could the silver lining be with this? The silver lining is knowledge. I know what not to do if I want to avoid becoming a sheep, which makes my life happier.

Be good to one another,

Rev. Biggus


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