Where to begin? How about this country is insane? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. By this definition, citizens of this country are insane.
Our citizens, the ones patriots like me fight for everyday, are insane. You vote republican and things suck, you vote democrat and things suck, and in the next election you vote the same way expecting a different result. Insanity defined.
Of course there are those saying, Reverend Biggus, you always vote libertarian so you are insane with us. Ah...no I am not. I am not expecting a different outcome. I vote for what I believe in even knowing that things will not change and will continue to suck. You vote honestly believing that your candidate will make things better. Fools.
I never get my way, but I don't vote to get my way...I vote to get what is best for this country as a whole. I do not vote for what's best for special interest, or the illegal immigrants, or the african-american population, or the brown spotted squirrel, or unwed victim mothers, or my own best interest. What is good for this country will not be good per the perception of the majority of its citizens because it will create accountability.
Number two...
Economic stimulus checks. Band aid on a sucking chest wound. Use it to pay down bills and it does no good. Use it to pay off credit cards and it does no good. Save it and it does no good. The only way this will work is if you spend it. It will probably be on gas but that is another issue.
Here is my problem. The money used for this stimulus program comes from our taxes. There are man hours involved in collecting every dollar of taxes. Now they add man hours by giving that money back, which will be taxed by a different entity when it is spent. Business men they are not.
The cost of collecting that money (y) initially is x. The cost of giving that money back (y) is x so we are at 2x. The cost of collecting that tax money (y*tax% = z) after it is spent is x, which equals 3x overall. If the tax on respending that money is 8.1% then the following theory would hold true.
3x = z
Now if they would have just let us have the money in the first place, the equation would look more like this:
In other words, I give you this choice. You can pay me 5 dollars for this hamburger or you can pay me 15 dollars for the same hamburger. I believe there is a segment on one of the news shows "The Fleecing of America". This is the text version. Here is the real messed up part....both x and z are your money.
Where to next...
The Constitution, or should I say the raping of said document. Did you know that this country does not consider all men equal? By "men" I mean every man, woman, child with no regards to race, or color, or religion. Just the fact that I have to say that says a lot about our country.
Back to the topic at hand. Child support can be ordered on any person (usually a man) on the word of person. No perponderance of evidence, no beyond a reasonable doubt. Nothing but a word and a judge's signature. A man's life can be literally ruined by a vindictive ex. That is not the issue at hand so much as the means to order that support. If you owe, you should pay. How you are made to pay is the issue. Federal and state agencies have the authority to impose liens, offsets to monies owed, and restrict the livelihood of an NCP all without definitive proof. NCP (almost exclusively the father NCPs) are being denied the ability to earn a living, driving, travel, etc by the government without due process.
Some of the penalties for past due child support are revoking of professional licenses. If they can't work, how can they pay. Imprisonment...again, no worky, no money. Revoked drivers licence...see above. Liens on property...unconstitutional to deny someone the right to own property. Ineligible for passports...sometimes you have to travel for your job but who cares what you need.
Makes me sick that a bunch of disgruntled women were allowed to influence law makers this much. Here's a novel idea...get a friggin education and get a good job. Make your own way and have the support as extra in your life. Don't punish the men of this country because they ended up not being your idea of Prince Charming. Here's a novel idea....Keep your legs closed!!!!!!
Now let's bring these two areas of rant into one. Here is the wisdom of the government when it comes to child support.
In 2005, the federal office of child support enforcement was told that 40% its budget was going to be cut over the next 10 years. $16 billion was going to be pulled from its budget. The justification to keep that $16 billion (40% of their budget) was so that they could continue to collect $22 billion owed in child support (http://www.clasp.org/publications/backing_away_on_child_support.pdf).
WWWWWHAT???? You read it right. The government (federal, this doesn't include state governments) uses $36 billion dollars of your tax money to collect $22 billion in owed child support. Piss poor business sense right there. It is a $14 billion loss right off the bat. If the government picked up the tab for all that child support, they would still be able to give every family in this country a $120 "stimulus" check every year on their current budget. NCP's could have a life, CP would have their money, and the citizens of this country would have money in their pocket. Instead the government will continue this fleecing by adding additional fees to NCPs, of which some were not given due process. These additional fees drive the NCP further into debacle that is government intervention. They will never get out. They fund a service they do not use. The custodial parents should be charged this fee since they are the ones getting the benefit of the service.
Better yet, privatize the entire child support collection service. Imagine no tax liability to the citizens of this country at all...child support would be a civil issue. The economy would be stimulated by all the money moving around. A proactive pursuit of the non paying parents would be more effective by a company that makes its money from doing its job. There would not be any UDF...undistributed funds that just sit in the government doing nothing (http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/cse/pubs/2005/reports/preliminary_report/table_9.html). The states that are not worried about the interest of the child...they are worried about losing the interest off the half a billion dollars in UDF.
The government says that for every federal dollar spent it collects four private dollars. This figure does not include the total budget of that office. I have proven that this is nothing more than punishment for a highly male populace initiated by a highly female group. Wait a second...one group targeting another...wouldn't that make the child support enforcement tactics a hate crime? That coupled with the fraud our government pulls with our tax monies makes it open to a RICO charge. But I digress. The only thing the government is proficient at doing is screwing up.
Now I am getting off topic so I think this is a good place to end.
We are no longer citizens of this country, we do not have freedom because we work four months out of the year to pay for this abomination of a government. Remember, theirs is always the first, you get what's left. Just because they let you have a little doesn't mean it is not slavery.
Keep this thought until next time: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
Be good to one another,
Rev. Biggus